May 25, 2023

Senator Schmitt Statement on SCOTUS Decision in Sackett v. EPA

ST. LOUIS, MO. – Today, Senator Eric Schmitt released a statement following The United States Supreme Court’s recent decision in Sackett v. EPA limiting government overreach on Missouri farmers, ranchers, and landowners:

“This morning, the Supreme Court of the United States struck a huge blow to President Biden’s overbearing Waters of the United States rule, which is nothing more than a massive federal land grab. Generational farmers and ranchers in Missouri don’t need another unelected bureaucrat in Washington dictating how they run their farms. Clawing back power from the administrative state and returning it to the hands of the people is my top priority, and this decision is a step in the right direction,” said Senator Eric Schmitt.


  • Recently, Senator Schmitt voted in favor of a Congressional Review Act led by Senator Capito (R-WV) that sought to strike down President Biden’s overreaching WOTUS rule.

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