May 26, 2023

Senator Schmitt Leads Letter Demanding Answers on Biden Administration’s Prioritization of EV Charging Stations over Lake Infrastructure Ahead of Memorial Day

ST. LOUIS, MO. – Today, Senator Eric Schmitt led a letter with Representative Burlison and Representative Alford demanding answers on Biden Administration’s misplaced priorities relating to Truman Lake and Table Rock Lake infrastructure ahead of Memorial Day weekend:

“The Biden Administration’s obsession with prioritizing woke pet projects over basic infrastructure needs to end. The fact of the matter is this: EV’s are not yet sustainable in rural Missouri, and the visitor center at Truman Lake and Table Rock Lake in Missouri are in need of an infrastructure overhaul. Missourians have a right to know just how much is being spent on charging stations instead of basic infrastructure in our parks,” said Senator Eric Schmitt

“Table Rock Lake is a recreational staple for our Ozarks community. Yet, the Biden Administration would rather prioritize wasting funds on a Green New Deal climate agenda over ensuring the park is properly maintained and operational. I join my colleagues in demanding answers on why government funds are going towards something rural Missouri does not need or even want,” said Representative Eric Burlison

“Prior to COVID-19, the Truman Lake Visitor Center was a bustling location for all that used the lake. Instead of prioritizing this Administration’s radical climate agenda, we should be focused on reopening the lake’s visitor center to its full capacity. Missourians don’t want charging stations and electric trucks; they want to be able to use their lake on Memorial Day Weekend. I urge the Biden Administration to reconsider Executive Order 14057. Missouri deserves better,” said Representative Mark Alford


