February 2, 2024

Senator Schmitt Joins Congressman Alford Leading Delegation Letter to Secretaries Yellen and Austin Regarding Construction of CCP Linked Company Near Missouri and Kansas Military Installations

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Eric Schmitt joined Congressman Mark Alford (MO-04) in leading a bicameral letterto Secretaries Yellen and Austin regarding a manufacturing facility being constructed in Johnson County, Kansas. Cnano Technologies, the company responsible for the construction, has reportedly been linked to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP):

“It is imperative we protect our national security infrastructure from Chinese Communist Party espionage. Allowing a CCP entity to set up shop in the backyard of sensitive governmental installations like Whiteman AFB, Fort Leavenworth, and the Kansas City National Security Campus is completely unacceptable,” said Senator Eric Schmitt.

“The construction of a manufacturing facility by Cnano Technologies, a company connected to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), in Johnson County, Kansas is deeply concerning. The CCP’s brazen aggressions around the globe cannot be tolerated. We deserve to know what knowledge Secretaries Yellen and Austin have of this construction, any information about the company’s connection to the Communist regime, and what is being done to halt this project. A facility of this magnitude with such proximity to several military installations must be stopped. We look forward to swift response from Administration officials,” said Congressman Mark Alford.

The letter was also signed by Senator Roger Marshall (R-KS), Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), Congressman Sam Graves (R-MO-06), Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO-03), Congressman Eric Burlison (R-MO-07), and Congressman Jake LaTurner (KS-02).


