March 14, 2024

Senators Schmitt, Duckworth and Reps. Hill, Caraveo Introduce the Taiwan and America Space Assistance Act of 2024

WASHINGTON – Today Senators Eric Schmitt and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), and Representatives French Hill (AR-02) and Yadira Caraveo (CO-08) introduced the bipartisan, bicameral Taiwan and America Space Assistance Act of 2024 – otherwise known as the TASA Act – to help address current gaps in our nation’s ability to further cooperate with and support Taiwan’s efforts in space:

“As the world and technology have advanced in recent years, space is now at the forefront of ensuring our national security and strengthening our coalitions abroad. Taiwan’s location in the Indo-Pacific is vital to the United States’ national defense and the safety of other countries in the region. U.S. cooperation with Taiwan in the space domain – especially for advancements in satellite capabilities and operations – affords the U.S. the ability to gain key insight into space functions in the region while also further expanding our lines of communication with an important ally. The TASA Act would allow the United States to exchange expertise with Taiwan, share in technological findings in space exploration and satellite operations, and take important steps towards securing international partnerships against the malign influences of China, our chief adversary,” said Senator Eric Schmitt.

“With the constant expansion of new, innovative technology for space exploration and satellite operations and the United States’ leadership in this sector, it’s as crucial as ever that we work with our partners in the Indo-Pacific to advance and prosper,” said Senator Tammy Duckworth. “I’m proud to introduce the bipartisan, bicameral Taiwan and America Space Assistance Act of 2024 alongside my colleagues to help our nation work with Taiwan to utilize new technologies and improve our work in the space domain.”

“With the Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) still in its infancy, our bill would allow NASA and NOAA to cooperate with Taiwan on civilian space activities, including satellite, space exploration, and atmospheric and weather programs,” said Representative French Hill. “Allowing our agencies to collaborate with TASA demonstrates to China the strength of American and Taiwanese cooperation and the United States’ commitment to working with our partners in the region. As Taiwan builds up their space agency, American support and partnerships encourages Taiwan to continue investing in their own space capabilities.”

“The Taiwan Space Agency has demonstrated a clear long-term commitment to space exploration, and the United States should welcome those efforts through bilateral cooperation. The TASA Act would allow NASA and NOAA to work in concert with the Taiwan Space Agency while also demonstrating to Indo-Pacific regional allies – as well as the U.S.’ top competitor, China – that we remain focused on advancing national security through international partnership. Both the U.S. and Taiwan stand to gain key insights by working together in the realm of space exploration, cooperating on weather programs, and collaborating to develop the next generation of satellite technology,” said Representative Yadira Caraveo.


  • As it currently stands under the U.S. government’s “One China Policy,” NASA does not have the authority to work with the Taiwan Space Agency for various space endeavors. TASA would not only give NASA that authority, but it would also instruct NASA to work with Taiwan in areas of mutual benefit, including satellite programs, space exploration programs, and atmospheric and weather programs.
  • The Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) is a relatively new organization and was created on January 20, 2022. The creation of TASA marked a prioritization of Taiwan’s involvement in the space domain—coupled with an announcement in 2019 of $25.1 billion over the next decade to grow the nation’s commercial space capabilities.
  • Taiwan is rapidly trying to build out an organization that can domestically produce and launch its own satellites.
  • The TASA Act will create a vital partnership for the U.S. and NASA in the Indo-Pacific and allow Taiwan to gain essential knowledge and expertise from NASA to further its space capabilities.
  • Specifically, the TASA Act would:
    • Allow for extended cooperation between the Taiwan Space Agency and NASA
    • Allow for extended cooperation between the Taiwan Space Agency and NOAA
    • Provide an avenue for the voluntary exchange of personnel from NASA and NOAA to the Taiwan Space Agency to further advance Taiwan’s space capabilities.
    • Extend cooperation in areas of satellite program development, space exploration, as well as atmospheric and weather programs.
