March 9, 2023

Senator Schmitt Statement on Biden’s Out of Touch Budget Request

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Eric Schmitt released the following statement on President Biden’s out-of-touch budget request:

“Any budget request that focuses on tax hikes and more spending rather than cutting spending and easing the economic burden on this country is deeply unserious – this budget doesn’t have an ounce of serious proposals in it. The federal government doesn’t have a revenue problem, it has a spending problem. Because of Biden’s reckless spending, inflation has soared to record highs, families are paying $10,000 more just to stay afloat, and everything costs more. This budget request promises to be more of the same, with more spending and a tax hike on hard-working families,” said Senator Eric Schmitt. “We need to return to fiscal common sense in Washington, which includes identifying and expelling waste from our bloated federal government and decreasing spending – not more spending and taxes on Missourians and Americans. This budget proposal is unbelievably out of touch with the needs of middle-class Missourians and Americans.”


