December 20, 2023

Senator Schmitt Leads Colleagues in Demanding Transparency, Open Amendment Process in Consideration of Supplemental Foreign Aid Package

WASHINGTON – Today, Senator Eric Schmitt led eight of his colleagues in sending a letter to Majority Leader Chuck Schumer demanding transparency, full committee hearings, and an open amendment process in any consideration of supplemental foreign aid packages:

“Stifling debate and transparency on massive foreign aid packages is antithetical to the way the Senate is supposed to work. We need to separate each of these funding requests, have hearings and robust floor debate, and allow an open amendment process to ensure transparency and restore the American public’s trust in this institution,” said Senator Eric Schmitt.

The letter reads, “Recent news reports have detailed negotiations related to the national security supplemental, which may or may not include extensive border security policy changes that differ substantially from the President’s supplemental request made in October of this year. These negotiations remain behind closed doors and only involve a handful of members of the Senate. Very little information has been provided to our constituents about these negotiations. Given that, it is imperative that a broad spectrum of Senators can be assured that they will have substantial input with the issues addressed.”

The letter continues, “Therefore, it is essential to have your commitment that if there is a supplemental appropriations bill that deals with these issues of consequence, that this bill have a committee hearing, a full markup, and a robust floor debate with the opportunities for amendments. Given the myriad of changes from the Presidential request, these steps ensure transparency. It is only with this commitment to a robust process can we even hope to secure the American public’s confidence in our actions.”

Senators Roger Marshall (R-KS), J.D. Vance (R-OH), Rick Scott (R-FL), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Mike Lee (R-UT) joined the letter. 

