February 2, 2023

Senator Schmitt Cosponsors Act Opposing Biden’s Overreaching WOTUS Rule

WASHINGTON – Today, U.S. Senator Eric Schmitt signed on as a cosponsor of a Congressional Review Act (CRA) resolution opposing the Biden Administration’s overreaching Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule. 

“Biden and his army of unelected bureaucrats have no business destroying livelihoods, jacking up the price of food, and demanding generational Missouri farmers and ranchers operate under unrealistic guidelines. Under the final rule, the federal government could have the power to regulate dry creek beds and drainage ditches on private property. This extreme overreach by the Biden administration places undue burden on American agriculture in order to capitulate to climate alarmists,” said Senator Eric Schmitt.


  • This proposal represents a massive land grab by federal regulators that will lead to major uncertainty for landowners and threatens economic growth and investments in our nation’s infrastructure.
  • The Missouri Farm Bureau, The American Farm Bureau, and most major agricultural groups have already expressed opposition to the final rule.
  • Farmers and ranchers in Missouri should be able to determine how to best manage their land and water, not the EPA. This rule infringes on the property rights of farmers in our state
  • Read the letter Senator Schmitt recently sent to the EPA.


